Blasform Technologie


Plastics production began in the early 70s with PVC manufacturing for tyres. A new business area was developed with the expansion of contacts. Bobbins for nets were manufactured from PVC to equip the deep-sea fishery. From small rollers for shrimpers to complete chain fittings to 100 kg heavy rollers for deep-sea trawlers – a complete range was manufactured in a variety of formats. With the Iceland crisis and the subsequent demise of the German deep-sea fleet, large parts of the sales were dispensed with. The range was discontinued. 1981 the first blow moulding unit in the plastics sector was set up, integration from blow moulding technology to the manufacture of technical parts.

We stay curious

2004 the plastic manufacture was spinned off to an new site which is traded under the name Pauli Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG and is located in Remptendorf-Thimmendorf (Thuringia).

About the future? We stay curious.

Wir bieten branchenorientierte Innovation

Branchenorientierte Innovation: Wir fertigen anspruchsvolle Technische Kunststoffteile für viele Bereiche, u.a. Automobilindustrie, Freizeit/ Sport- und Spielwaren, Möbel, Logistik und Heiztechnologie. Diese große Vielfalt von Kunststoffhohlkörpern stellen wir in der Blasform-Technologie her.